Thursday, 28 July 2016

Ashwagandha - 'Indian Ginseng'


Ashwagandha- Means 'the smell of a horse' as its fresh root smells like a horse's urine, and also perhaps because it is renowned for imparting the sexual stamina of a horse. . it’s frequently referred to as 'Indian ginseng' because of its rejuvenating properties .This herb is quite beneficial for women’s as it is good for hair and weight loss , 

Health benefits of this wonderful herb are

It Helps in Healing properties
It boosts Sexual Health in Men
It helps in Controlling Blood Sugar Level
It Enhance Fertility
It helps in maintaining the hormonal Balance in Women

Ashwagandha comprises . a unique medicinal properties which helps  in fighting with several  physical problems but on the flip side it should be taken with proper consultation of Ayurvedic Doctors and  should not be given to pregnant women’s 

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Shatavari - Herbal Libido Enhancer for females

Shatavari Powder is a rejuvenative herb for both males and females it helps to nourish the female reproductive organs and helps to enhance the fertility. It also helps in enhancing the breast milk in lactating mothers and in healthy mensturation & helps to reduce the pain at the time of mensuration It is a rejuvenating herb that cools the body and strengthens and nourishes the tissues It's bitter and sweet also it has some cooling effect on the system. These combined qualities make it a rejuvenative for the reproductive system Shatavari calms the mind and promotes love

Friday, 8 July 2016

Shilajit Indian Viagra

Shilajit is the best natural anti aging product and helps to increase immunity. Shilajit works wonders for improving male sexual function and it’s been used for hundred of years to increase libido and sexual performance in a natural way. Furthermore, Shilajit is the main ingredient in Ayurvedic for treating low libido and sexual performance in general. It is an excellent herbal remedy for general debility in men and women. Shilajeet helps in increasing the physical as well as mental strength and delays signs of ageing.